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Alcohol-Based Mouthwash Can Increase Your Chances of Gum Disease

It is not always common knowledge that many mouthwashes have alcohol in them. People who struggle with alcoholism are aware of this, but there are still many that do not know it.

While the idea of using something with alcohol may scare some people, they do not always know if it is really dangerous or not. They do not know the risks that come with this type of mouthwash that include gum disease.

The Purpose of a Mouthwash

There are two main purposes for mouthwash. A cosmetic mouthwash helps eliminate bad breath. An antiseptic mouthwash helps prevent the growth of bacteria and can stop infection in the teeth and gums.

The use of alcohol as an antiseptic is not a new idea. Medical professionals use alcohol to sterilize instruments and for other similar purposes. It serves the same purpose when it is in a mouthwash.

Mouthwash and Gum Disease

There are many issues surrounding the use of alcohol-based mouthwashes. The fact that you keep the mouthwash in your mouth for as long as 60 seconds can cause problems. This process can introduce things to your mouth that can lead to gum disease or cancer.

Alcohol-based mouthwash also limits the amount of saliva that the mouth produces. Saliva is important to your gum and overall oral health. Those with dry mouth are at a higher risk for gum disease because there is nothing to wash the bacteria away.

A final risk is the dependency that people develop with alcohol-based mouthwash or any mouthwash. It is only one part of a good oral hygiene habits. It does not replace brushing and flossing. It supplements it. If people think they do not need to brush as often because they use mouthwash, they are at a higher risk for gum disease.

To learn more about the effect of alcohol-based mouthwashes and to learn how to care for your teeth and gums, contact the dental professionals at our offices.

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